This week's episode is brought to you by: KICKFIN
Thousands of restaurants across the country use Kickfin to send instant, cashless tip payouts, directly to their employees’ bank accounts, the second their shift ends. Get in touch today for a personalized demo and see how restaurants and bars across the country are tipping out with Kickfin.
VISIT: kickfin.com/demo.
This week's episode is brought to you by: POPMENU
If you’re a restaurant owner you need a great website that not only looks beautiful, but helps drive more traffic and sales. Use POPMENU to take your business to the next level. Best of all, listeners of this show can lock in one, set monthly rate… and get $100 off their first month.
VISIT: https://popmenu.com/restaurantstrategy
Troy Hooper is the CEO of Kiwi Restaurant Partners, a management and consulting firm serving the hospitality industry. Put simply, they excel at taking small brands and turning them into big brands. And he's speaking about the common threads that all successful companies have in common. Tons of insights from one of the smartest people in the industry... and HINT HINT... he thinks success has a lot to do with leadership.
KIWI RESTAURANT PARTNERS: https://www.krpusa.com/
TROY ON LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jtroyhooper/
Ready to learn more about the Restaurant Accelerator Group Coaching Program?
Click the link to set up a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session with me: https://www.restaurantstrategypodcast.com/schedule
#303 - Talking Customer Centricity with Wharton Professor, Peter Fader (ENCORE) ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: KICKFIN Thousands of restaurants...
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#179 - "Local" as a Response to Supply Chain Issues ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: KICKFIN Thousands of restaurants across...