Over the past year I've heard from a bunch of you and the common thread I always seem to hear is how much you love the freebies and giveaways. So I've tried hard to make more of them - workbooks that correspond with a given episode, or cheatsheets, or spreadsheets. Since the start of the year I've tried to provide more resources for you. Anything to help make your lives easier. So on today's episode I'm recapping ALL of the resources I've shared and including all of the links below. Happy listening
269 - Modernizing an Iconic Texas Restaurant ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take control of your costs with...
#380 - Building a Strategy to Spark Word-of-Mouth ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: AVERO Increase your profitability using the industry's...
#230 - Profit is the ONLY Thing That Matters ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: TRIPLESEAT Revolutionize your private event planning...