What’s the product? Who’s it for? And how can you reach them? That’s what all marketing boils down to. The ways in which we reach people will constantly change, but the first two should never change. If you can get clear on those, you’ll have a leg up on your competition. In fact, this is what I spend most of my life doing - helping restaurants and chefs get clear answers to those first two questions. The rest of my time is spent brainstorming ideas, and figuring out the best ways to reach audiences, and the most effective ways to promote our products. The way I do that is by getting organized. Organization requires a long term view… not working a week at a time, not a month, but for the entire year ahead.
On this week’s episode I’ll be helping you build your 2020 Marketing Calendar, and sharing a link to download a killer template you can use to do it.
CLICK HERE to get your 2020 Marketing Calendar
As always, if you have questions or ideas about future episodes, please reach out... [email protected]
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