Thousands of years ago the ancient Chinese military strategist, Sun Tzu, wrote this in The Art of War: "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." In this week's episode I want to pause for a second to talk about the difference between strategic thinking and tactical thinking, and show you how they're really just two sides of the same coin. CONTINUING EDUCATION:
#44 - Insights from my First Visit to Paris!!! At the end of 2018 my wife and I sat down and said that travel...
#150 - INTERVIEW with Josh Kopel, Host of the Full Comp Podcast This week's episode is also sponsored by STOCK MFG. With Stock you...
#379 - How to Hire in a Post-Pandemic Environment ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take control of your...