This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE
Take control of your costs with using MarginEdge. Best of all? No contract. No setup fee. Free and unlimited training and support.
VISIT: marginedge.com/chip
This week's episode is brought to you by: 7SHIFTS
Get inside the minds of 1,500 restaurant employees to find out what motivates them, what makes them quit, and learn the simple practices that can help you limit your churn. Download the free 2024 report by clicking the link below.
DOWNLOAD HERE: https://www.7shifts.com/restaurant-employee-engagement-report?utm_source=chip-close&utm_medium=partner&utm_campaign=ac-data-study-2024
Let's not pretend that we give great service all the time. We don't. But many of you don't need to. So let's make sure you're providing what you need to provide... and then button up our offering for those we serve.
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#26: Internal Marketing Usually when we talk about Marketing we're talking about EXTERNAL marketing... SEO, paid advertising, e-mail marketing, social media... often forgetting about...
#60 - The Power of Positioning Humans are remarkably bad at remembering new information. It's why eyewitness testimony is so unreliable. Usually repetition is...
#51 - Eleven Ways to Capture E-Mail Addresses As many of you know, I'm offering a pre-sale special for 2 summer workshops. The first...