Covid-19 has upended our world, and reordered the daily routines for billions of people. In order to make predictions about the future, Economists and Social Scientists often look at changing Macro Trends. To be sure this global pandemic has reordered life for many of us. On this week's episode we're going to look at five different areas to better understand how Covid-19 has reordered daily life:
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#353 - Henry Kaminski Jr., Chief Marketing Officer for Fabio Viviani Hospitality ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: KICKFIN Thousands of...
#346 - The Connection Between Marketing and Creating Culture ***** Join us in St. Louis, July 14-16, for the P3 PROFITABILITY SUMMIT: *****...
#156 - INTERVIEW: All About "the People" With Author, Matt Rolfe ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: VIRTUAL RESTAURANT GROUP They...