What does your marketing strategy look like? Do you even have a marketing strategy? If you're like a lot of restaurant owners out there, it's non-existent. Often times it ends up being more of a seat-of-your-pants kind of thing. Mother's Day is coming up... well, we should do something for Mother's Day. Beverage sales are down... let's come up with a drink special this weekend. But that's not a strategy. Far from it, in fact. In this week's episode I show you an easy way to start building a comprehensive marketing strategy, and a way to start executing that plan.
I began the episode talking about productivity, and so I thought it might be useful to link to someone who has helped me stay organize and focused. Peter Voogd is an entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker.
He's a productivity coach who's made a career helping people find their way.
#134 - INTERVIEW: Restaurant Marketing That Works with Matt Plapp ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: SEVENROOMS With a full suite...
#381 - Two Ways Inventory Can Save You BIG Money ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take control of...
#320 - RETHINK: Profitability ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: 7SHIFTS 7shifts is the team management platform for restaurants. From hiring,...