This week's episode is brought to you by: KICKFIN
Thousands of restaurants across the country use Kickfin to send instant, cashless tip payouts, directly to their employees’ bank accounts, the second their shift ends. Get in touch today for a personalized demo and see how restaurants and bars across the country are tipping out with Kickfin.
VISIT: kickfin.com/demo.
This week's episode is brought to you by: POPMENU
If you’re a restaurant owner you need a great website that not only looks beautiful, but helps drive more traffic and sales. Use POPMENU to take your business to the next level. Best of all, listeners of this show can lock in one, set monthly rate… and get $100 off their first month.
VISIT: https://popmenu.com/restaurantstrategy
Carl Orsbourn & Meredith Sandland are two of the smartest people in the industry, especially when it comes to the topic of digitizing your restaurant. Just last month they released their 2nd book, a follow-up to their wildly popular Delivering the Digital Restaurant. This new one is something of a "how-to" guide for restaurant operators trying to navigate this bold, new landscape. We dig into a bunch of different areas on Episode 222 of the Restaurant Strategy Podcast.
Buy Both Books: https://www.deliveringthedigitalrestaurant.com/order
Original Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/40qhHvk
New Book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3K5RfSd
Same results, with a new name: The P3 Mastermind Program
The 3 Ps stand for PROFIT, PROCESS, and PROGRESS -- our 3 pillars!
Learn more by setting up a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session: https://www.restaurantstrategypodcast.com/schedule
302 - Setting Goals and Getting Organized for 2024 (ENCORE) ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: TRIPLESEAT Revolutionize your private event...
#148 - INTERVIEW with Bret Csencsitz, Owner of the Relaunched Gotham Restaurant ***** Register for my FREE webinar on January 24 and 25 all...
#170 - Talking Entrepreneurship and Social Change with T2D Founder, Tom Foley ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take...