This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE
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This week's episode is brought to you by: 7SHIFTS
7shifts is the team management platform for restaurants. From hiring, to scheduling, training and retaining, they’ve got the tools you need to help you run your business with ease. Better understand your restaurant, hit your labor targets, and keep your entire team connected. Plus, 7shifts integrates with POS and payroll systems you already use and trust! Join over 30,000 restaurants using 7shifts today. Restaurant Strategy listeners get 3 months free.
VISIT: https://www.7shifts.com/restaurantstrategy/
Corey Mintz has embedded himself so deeply into our industry that it makes reading his writing such a joy. It's sepcifically because he writes as an outsider... unlike so many pundits and critics, he gets us. He gets what we do. He gets how difficult it is to do what we do... and to do it well. Below I'm linking to a couple of his articles you should definitely read, but start with this interview. I hope you enjoy his perspective as much as I do.
Currently the P3 Mastermind has nearly 200 members enrolled, spread across 4 different groups. Our members are seeing huge transformations, often in the first 90 days. The system works, and yes it can work for you.
Click the link to schedule a FREE 30-minute Strategy Session: https://www.restaurantstrategypodcast.com/schedule
#51 - Eleven Ways to Capture E-Mail Addresses As many of you know, I'm offering a pre-sale special for 2 summer workshops. The first...
#338 - The Difference Between Leadership and Management ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARQII Marqii is your one-stop-shop for listings...
267 - Talking Music and Menus with Soundtrack CEO, Ola Sars ***** This week's episode is brought to you by: MARGIN EDGE Take control...